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Features one
The details of features one。
Features two
The details of features two
Features three
The details of features three
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home: true heroImage: /img/logo.png actionText: Get Started → actionLink: /en/guide/ features:
- title: Simple details: MyBatis-Plus is an powerful enhanced tool for MyBatis. it provides many efficient operations for MyBatis. and you can seamlessly switch to MyBatis-Plus from MyBatis.
- title: Powerful details: MyBatis-Plus can automatically inject basic SQL fragments, have a powerful and flexible where condition wrapper, using it can save you a lot of development time.
- title: Extensibility details: MyBatis-Plus has many useful plugins(e.g. code generator, auto paging, performance analysis and so on), it has provided everything you need. why not try? footer: Apache License 2.0 | © 2016-2018 baomidou
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